The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age or personal circumstances. It can also help children to focus in the classroom and maintain concentration, therefore improving their potential to learn.

Here's how it works:
15 minutes of instructional time for students to walk, run, or jog, with children averaging a mile each day.
Children run outside in the fresh air – and the weather is a benefit, not a barrier.
There’s no set up, tidy up, or equipment required. Children run/walk in their school clothes so no changing time is needed.
The Daily Mile is critical to reducing childhood inactivity and obesity. Children are gaining weight, younger and younger, and we need to stop this in its tracks. Early scientific studies show that the level of obesity at St Ninian’s School is around 45% less than the national average.
It’s social, non-competitive and fun. It’s fully inclusive; every child, whatever their circumstances, age or ability, succeeds at The Daily Mile.
Helps students meet the recommendations of the NC Healthy Active Children Policy.
How can the Daily Mile help Rowan-Salisbury School students?
- In Rowan County, 21.1% of 5 – 11 year olds are overweight; 16.85% are obese (higher than the NC average).
- Brief classroom physical activity breaks are associated with improved cognitive performance, classroom behavior, and educational outcomes among students.
- Increased time spent for physical activity does not negatively affect students’ academic achievement.
- The Daily Mile is an evidence-based program with results to support; for youth who participated in The Daily Mile for 6 years, ages 10 – 11:
- 92% made grade (25% higher than expected)
- Math scores were in the 96% (expected to be 71%)
- Writing scores 88% (expected to be 71%)
Visit the official Daily Mile website for more information and resources.